研究院指导的MBA学生论文被管理学领域国际顶级会议AOM 2022录用


人工智能与变革管理研究院齐佳音教授指导并作为通讯作者,MBA研究生闫甜甜作为第一作者的学术论文Untangling Organizational Change in a Chinese State-Owned Company: A Grounded Theory Case Study”近日被管理学领域国际顶级会议、第82届美国管理学会(AOM, Academy Of Management)年会录用。


美国管理学会(AOM)年会成立于1936年,在全球拥有两万余名会员,是管理学领域的权威学术组织。其出版的Academy of Management Journal、Academy of Management Review和Journal of Organizational Behavior等多个期刊也是国际公认的管理学领域权威期刊。美国管理学会年会(Annual Conference of Academy of Management)是国际高水平管理学会议之一。



In its zeal for organizational change, a Chinese state-owned enterprise encountered a myriad of impediments. This inductive case study aims to examine and untangle the roots of those impediments through grounded theory. The research results suggest that employees' attitudes towards change, organizational aspiration for change, and change context affect the process of change. In particular, (1)employees with higher adaptive capability on change and lower professional status are inclined to have a more positive attitude towards change; (2)higher organizational performance and poor communication of reforms decrease organizational desire or inclination for change; (3)infomal influence of internal information spread promotes acceptance of reform; and (4) external influence of consultants accelerates acceptance of change. As a result, S Group implemented corresponding unfreezing change strategies, which eventually won the support for change of a majority of employees. This engaged case study also provides new insights into Bourdieu's Practice Theory as applied in the context of Chinese state-owned companies. 
