数字引领时代  智能开创未来

10.10 题目:Making Sense of Noisy Data: Some Issues and Methods

题目:Making Sense of Noisy Data: Some Issues and Methods

报告人:Grace Y. Yi(滑铁卢大学统计与精算系)




Thanks to the advancement of modern technology in acquiring data, massive data with diverse features and big volume are becoming more accessible than ever. The impact of big data is significant. While the abundant volume of data presents great opportunities for researchers to extract useful information for new knowledge gain and sensible decision making, big data present great challenges. A very important, sometimes overlooked challenge is the quality and provenance of the data. Big data are not automatically useful; big data are often raw and involve considerable noise.

Typically, the challenges presented by noisy data with measurement error, missing observations and high dimensionality are particularly intriguing. Noisy data with these features arise ubiquitously from various fields including health sciences, epidemiological studies, environmental studies, survey research, economics, and so on. In this talk, I will discuss the issues induced from noisy data and some methods of handling such data.


Grace Y. Yi,女,博士,教授,博士生导师。2002年加拿大多伦多大学统计系获博士学位。现任加拿大滑铁卢大学统计与精算系终身教授。Grace Y. Yi教授长期从事统计的理论和应用的研究工作,其研究领域广泛,涉及生存分析, 高维数据分析,缺失数据,测量误差等,2010年获得CRM-SSC Prize2013年荣获Elected member of the International Statistical Institute2015年获得Fellow of the American Statistical AssociationGrace Y. Yi教授担任国际知名刊物《The Canadian Journal of Statistics》的主编及《The Journal of Applied Probability and Statistic》杂志副主编,是美国统计学会、加拿大统计学会、生物识别技术协会,泛华统计学会的fellow。先后在国际统计学top期刊《The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, SeriesB》,《Journal of the American Statistical Association》,《Biometrika》 以及一些著名统计期刊《Statistical Methods in Medical Research》,《Biometrics》,《Statistica Sinica》,《The Canadian Journal of Statistics》,《Biostatistics》,《Statistics in Medicines》等国际权威刊物上发表论文八十余篇。

