Download: 未满18周岁学生监护人保证书.docx
监护人声明 I Hereby Declare that:
I am willing to be the guardian of ____________ (name)____________(nationality) during his/her study (under 18) at the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, and guarantee the following items:
Before the student has reached the age of 18,.....
I will take full responsibility for the student during his/her study in China. I will supervise the student to ensure that he/she will not engage in any activities not related to his/her academic pursuit in China, and that he/she will abide by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. I will take the responsibility of representing the student that the Chinese court or any other organs of law for his/her rights and interests.
I will urge the student to study hard and observe the school rules and regulations. I will keep close contacts with the school, and be responsible for representing the students for his/her rights and interests at school, in regard to his/her studying and school life.
I will be responsible to help the student with his/her Visa and Residence Permit for his/her stay in China, and to assist in extending his/her Visa and Residence Permit before the expiration date.
I will provide lodging and make appropriate arrangements for the student’s off-campus life during his/her study in China. For resident student at school, I will take full responsibility for the safety and arranging his/her study and life on weekends or during holidays. I will also be responsible for taking appropriate care of the student’s valuable belongings and important credentials.
I will arrange the student’s travel before and at the end of each school semester.
I will be responsible to handle such matters as the student’s illness or any other mishaps.
I will make sure that the student should pay the school all the required fees on time. In case the student cannot make the payment, I will pay all the expenses for him/her.
姓名 Name | 性别 男 Male Sex 女 Female | 出生日期 Date of Birth |
国籍 Nationality | 与被监护人的关系 Relation to the student | |
护照或身份证号码 Passport or ID Card Number | ||
居留许可号码/暂住证编号 Residence Permit No. or Temporary Residence Card No. | ||
在上海工作单位和地址 Name and Address of Employer in Shanghai | ||
在上海住址 Home Address in Shanghai | 电话 Telephone | |
传真 Tax | ||
邮箱 | ||
手机 Mobile | ||
签名 Signature |
有关说明 Note:
An adult or a legal organization that has permanent residence in Shanghai and is entrusted by the student’s parents is eligible for being the student’s guardian.
The above information must be true and correct. Photocopy of the guardian’s identity certificate must be attached with this Letter.
This Letter of Guarantee should be submitted to the International Student Office of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics together with the application form and other materials.